Making business simple, scalable and sustainable for awakened female entrepreneurs growing to 6 and 7 figures.

Making business simple, scalable and sustainable for awakened female entrepreneurs growing to 6 and 7 figures.




FREE Bundle: Your pathway to self-liberation in marketing 


Develop an aligned and effective approach to content that sets you apart, allowing you to create easeful momentum that attracts more soul clients for a sustainable business

Regular $111



Hey Beautiful Sister!

I’m Jenna Faye Madden, a conscious leadership coach and business strategist for awakened women on a soul mission.

I’m a top podcaster, Forbes Coaches Council Contributor, 2x best selling author, international speaker, event facilitator and community cultivator… who is proud AF to be the CEO of Soul Meets Strategy - a brand and movement that has impacted thousands of women around the world!

My expertise is in the realms of new paradigm marketing and sales, offer design and business model optimization.

I help you create consistent higher cash months and massive impact with your mission in a business that feels spacious.

While working with YOU, the magical woman leading your business...

To feel creatively expressed and confident to be seen as the embodied expert that you are.

With the mindset, lifestyle designed schedule and high frequency to support anchoring your highest timeline.

I am here to help you navigate your evolution as an awakened woman who is here to create a huge ROI (ripples of impact) into the world with her magic.

Enough about me, let’s activate YOU into your next level of leading, serving and creating as a new earth woman.

- Jenna Faye

Hey Beautiful Sister!

I’m Jenna Faye Madden, a conscious leadership coach and business strategist for awakened women on a soul mission.

I’m a top podcaster, Forbes Coaches Council Contributor, 2x best selling author, international speaker, event facilitator and community cultivator… who is proud AF to be the CEO of Soul Meets Strategy - a brand and movement that has impacted thousands of women around the world!

My expertise is in the realms of new paradigm marketing and sales, offer design and business model optimization.

I help you create consistent higher cash months and massive impact with your mission in a business that feels spacious.

While working with YOU, the magical woman leading your business...

To feel creatively expressed and confident to be seen as the embodied expert that you are.

With the mindset, lifestyle designed schedule and high frequency to support anchoring your highest timeline.

I am here to help you navigate your evolution as an awakened woman who is here to create a huge ROI (ripples of impact) into the world with her magic.

Enough about me, let’s activate YOU into your next level of leading, serving and creating as a new earth woman.

- Jenna Faye

Client Shares

What I Stand For

What I Stand For


Business should be built around your dream lifestyle, not the other way around. My motto is "simplify to amplify" because the truth is that we don't need to DO more as women in order to create more.



Having a business model that matches your BIG vision so that you have both the energetic and strategic capacity for MORE clients into your transformational offers. This is where we can work smarter not harder.


Longevity is sexy. Having a soul aligned business that can easily evolve WITH YOU while creating higher cash months and waves of impact... without the financial roller coaster or the hamster wheel that makes you feel like a slave to your business.



Curious about co-creating 



Here is how I am currently working with women like you:

Curious about co-creating 



Here is how I am currently working with women like you:

High Level Support

Private Mentorship

  • For the visionary new earth woman who is currently doing 5+ figures a month and is ready to go from good to great
  • Together we will transform your offer suite to scale to 2-5x your revenue (it's going to be simpler than you think!)
  • We will refine your offers to ensure you are growing in a direction that matches your highest vision and desires (flexible schedule, white space, self care, family time)
  • We will reposition your offers so you are seen as THE go to for your dream clients
  • In addition to private support with me you receive access to all my programs, resources, membership and events during our time together
  • Application only - reach out to me on IG/FB or fill out the application below if you feel I am the mentor for you and let's discuss!

Catalyst Mastermind

  • For visionary, conscious female leaders ready to stabilize and scale consistent high cash months while loving every piece of their business
  • Provides you with everything you require to make a profound impact, elevate your mindset, amplify your message, expand your income by 2-5x
  • Inside you receive access to ALL of my programs, live memberships, seasonal retreats, private monthly coaching sessions and *all* the support within the mastermind (weekly group calls, daily Q&A, weekly marketing feedback and ACTUAL sister support).
  • Only a limited number of spaces are made available throughout each year and while all applicants are considered it is highly recommended to apply as soon as you feel guided!



  • For visionary, conscious female leaders ready to stabilize and scale consistent high cash months while loving every piece of their business
  • Provides you with everything you require to make a profound impact, elevate your mindset, amplify your message, expand your income by 2-5x
  • Inside you receive access to ALL of my programs, live memberships, seasonal retreats, private monthly coaching sessions and *all* the support within the mastermind (weekly group calls, daily Q&A, weekly marketing feedback and ACTUAL sister support).
  • Only a limited number of spaces are made available throughout each year and while all applicants are considered it is highly recommended to apply as soon as you feel guided!


The Bold Moves, Big Changes Club

  • The membership for awakened female leaders that desire a simple, scalable and sustainable business.
  • This is where visionary women come to UNLEASH MASSIVE momentum
  • Q&A Opportunities, networking with high frequency leaders, a binge-worthy library of resources for you and your business, weekly content prompts to take the guesswork out of what to post and so much more.
  • This is for all levels of female entrepreneurs who desire to grow themselves, their business and their leadership


Listen to my latest Podcast





Wolf Pack: New Earth Feminine Leaders Rising Community

Come immerse yourself in the magic.
Here I host weekly free trainings plus there are over a thousand like-minded women you can connect with!
Join The Community!

Ca$hflow Bundle

Learn the proven strategies to sustainably increase your cashflow and stop living launch to launch...


...And discover the power of monthly recurring revenue (MRR) to align your business for consistent $10K-$30K+ cash months.

Regular: $333

Get It Today: $44

Get Instant Access

“Your success is already written into the cosmos.

Your job is simply to help accelerate it's manifestation.”


Jaguar Medicine

Jaguar Medicine tells the activating stories of 29 fierce women frequency keepers birthing the New Earth. These are the women our ancestors foretold of - the wild women, mystics, sacred rebels, shamaness, divine disruptors, Feminine Christ, visionaries, and medicine women.

They’ve come to bridge heaven and earth, the old and the new, with ferocity, deep soul knowing and heart-centered conviction to stand, unwavering in their sacred feminine power and highest sovereign truth for themselves, their lineage and ancestors, Mama Gaia and all of humanity.

These women are the magic itself, they carry the new codes, they forge the way forward for all. They trust, they embody, they expand, they do the work. They are elemental, forces of nature, deeply connected and embodied while navigating this exciting time in our planet's evolution with heart.

Take a journey with us.

Let these powerful women show you courage, trust and the power of the heart.

Read My Chapter

Sacred Rebel

There is an uprising of Sacred Rebels. They are the ones who are called to guide the way into the New Earth.

Their mission is to deconstruct the outdated programming and belief systems that have kept humanity locked in a paradigm of fear and distrust. They initiate new codes of awakening within those who are ready.

They walk the path of Disruption and leave a legacy of transformation in their wake.Within this book are the stories and transmissions of these powerful leaders and entrepreneurs who are on the leading edge in their field.

May their words inspire you to think bigger, act bolder and take a fierce stand for the sacred disruption you know is required to call in the more beautiful world you believe is possible.

Read My Chapter


Let’s Connect!


Listen & subscribe to the top rated show for new earth feminine leaders on the rise!


Follow along over on FB land where I share my longer form thoughts and wisdom


Connect with me over on the ‘gram if you want to chat or laugh at my reels ;)


Where I keep it “profesh” with job postings, articles & more


Follow me for nuggets of wisdom, leadership activation and business tips!

Reach Out

Reach out about collaborations, speaking/events, mentorship inquiries or to connect about anything on your heart!